Rollaas Maragogype Coffee

Rollaas Maragogype Coffee is one of three specialty coffees, this type of coffee comes from Arabica coffee beans. Its size is bigger than Arabica coffee in general and in Indonesia is known as Elephant Coffee. Rollaas Maragogype Coffee is only produced have an unique taste than other coffee variants and is grown in the area of Ijen Mountains, East Java, at a height of 1000 - 1500 meters.
Origin of seed plants Maragogype Coffee was formed naturally through the process of genetic aberration that occurs at the time of conception, resulted enlargement Arabica coffee bean size.
In additional to size, shape and its unique taste, this coffee is very special due to the limited production at Kayumas Java Coffee Plantation. This selected coffee bean is further processed in Wet & Wash Process that considers quality assurance management system so that produce a high quality Rollaas Maragogype Coffee with a extraordinary taste, high acidity, medium body and intense aroma.

Taste : little to high acidity medium body and intense aroma
